
Program Description
Pro Stride Elite Skating believes that the foundation of ice hockey is skating and it is a skill that must be worked on by every player at every age level, including professionals. At Pro Stride, instructors will not just "drill" players and make them go full speed through cones. Our purpose is to TEACH players how to go fast, be quick, be explosive and be efficient. Pro Stride will explain why correct technique is vital to creating more speed and efficiency on the ice.
In order to teach players correct technique and break "bad habits" we will slow them down to learn how to perform each maneuver correctly. Once the technique is mastered, then players will learn to do it with more power, and finally at full speed. "Slow is smooth, smooth is FAST."
The Latin phrase "Gradatim Ferociter" is an excellent motto for what it takes to become a great skater. It means "step-by-step ferociously". This means there is no shortcut to success. It is a marathon, not a sprint to becoming a great skater. Players must always be working, and working HARD, to reinforce good technique.
All clinics will include the ability to go through our Achievement Testing Program. Upon completion of your first program you will receive your foundations patch. At subsequent programs you can begin taking a series of 7 tests (1 per clinic only) to try and become the Elite Skater.